Season Sale

We believe that the quality of our services must always be impeccable.

Your Information

When you register for one of our services, we ask you to provide contact information for your convenience as well as for legal reasons. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and payment information (credit or debit cards and PayPal). If you need help, our staff may need information to resolve the issue, such as your operating system, browser software, and editing software. When you visit this site, we use Google Analytics to store positive data such as your status, browser settings, IP address, screen resolution, operating system, and flash support. This will allow us to continue to provide the most suitable website for all visitors. Our website is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and authenticated by GeoTrust. This will help stop posting on our site.How Your Information can be Used

We Will Use Your Personally Identifiable Information In The Following Ways.

1. For payment purposes and to provide convenient and targeted support. 2. To contact you and announce special offers, general announcements, and news. Please note you can opt-out of receiving these emails at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of the e-mail. 3. To improve our service and the marketing of our service.

We will NOT provide your personal information to anyone other than A law enforcement or regulatory agency at their request, upon request, and to other parties providing us with such services as paid, if they agree to the misuse of this information.

In exceptional circumstances, we do not share or sell your information to third parties.

Your personal information is protected by us, your information is securely encrypted with SSL. Our service is not available to children under 13 and we do not trust the confirmation of information about children under 13 years.


Cookies are small file folders stored on a user’s computer. We use cookies on this site. We do not link the information we have to cookies to the personal information you provide on our website. We use session ID cookies and persistent cookies. We use cookies to facilitate navigation on our website. The session ID ends when your browser is closed. Cookies stay on your hard drive for a long time, just like cookies were used for our communication purposes. You can remove persistent cookies by following the instructions in the “Help” form in your search. We set up regular cookies to store your passwords, so you don’t have to log in again and again. Constant cookies also allow us to gradually prioritize our users ’preferences to improve the experience on our website. If you reject cookies, you will still be able to use our website, but you will be asked to re-enter your username and website every time you close your browser after your meetings.

Log Files

Like most websites, we collect information automatically and store it in a reference book. This information includes email address (IP address), browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), web page/exit, operating system, date/time stamp, and click information. We use this information, anonymously by users, to monitor development, regulate the website, monitor user activity on the website, and collect user information about our employees. We do not associate the collection of information with your personal information. IP addresses are combined with specific credentials to prevent and prevent abuse from continuing to use our services, as members of a group that violates our terms of service.

We use third-party services that use cookies and directories to extract information about our visitors to collect information and values to determine how users operate our site and how many people we know. vain Using our digital services. We use the information you provide about yourself or others for the intended business. This can include managing services such as registration, email, meetings, and more. Or contact us if you have allowed us to do so by agreeing to receive additional notifications and service notifications from us on the member page. . You can choose from a wide variety of advertisements on affiliate member pages. We do not share this information with other parties


Using our free services, you may be invited to participate in our internal survey conducted by to determine your interests. These studies are absolutely incredible. The information collected during these surveys will only be used to improve our products and services and cannot be sold to third parties.

Communications From The Site

When we receive the email, we use the return email address to respond with the requested information. This address will not be used for any other purpose and will not be shared with other parties. If you provide an informative link to, you may indicate your interest by contacting us for information and updates about our services, enter your account, visit our Change History page, and choose to receive other email notifications from us or other information associated with The information sent to us will not be used for this purpose unless you indicate that it is your choice. Although there is information about the availability of, you can indicate on the affiliate profile page what you would like to join the newsletter. You will receive an email confirming our order on our website and paying through a payment gateway.Newsletter

We offer you the opportunity to “accept” and “cancel” our newsletter at any time. Our newsletter is sent out on a monthly basis, so it’s sure to contain lots of useful information and any suggestions we may have. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters and promotional communications, you can choose not to receive them at any time.

Information Sharing And Disclosure

We collect information from visitors to our website using Google Analytics. We use this information to improve the image of our website and our services. This information is not shared with other parties. We do not link user data with personal information.

Legal Disclaimer

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information in accordance with the law and in cases where we believe disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with legal procedures, such as the closure of a court or a lawsuit published in the Site.Security

your personal information is important to us. We follow standard manufacturing procedures to protect your personal information that you send to us during and after receipt. It is not possible to transmit it over the Internet or guarantee 100% secure storage of electricity, but we have taken the necessary measures to ensure the security of your information. This site is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect your information. Therefore, while we try to adopt commercial means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee your total security.

Links To Other Sites

This website contains links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by Please note that is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites. We recommend that you know when you leave our website and read the privacy information on all websites to collect your personal identification information. This confidential information is the only information collected by this website.

Changes To This Privacy Statement

If we choose to change our Privacy Policy, we will make changes to this privacy statement, websites, and other places that we deem important for you to know about the information we collect, how we use it, and based on the terms, as one, we publish advertisements. We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time, so review it regularly. If we make changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email or by posting them on our website. For further information, please do not hesitate to send your questions via our contact form.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 10th Feb 2022.